How a smart home can help you work from home
The COVID-19 crisis has forced us to rethink the way we organise our work. Millions of employees had to work from home while their kids are playing in the background. Our home is no longer solely a home. It has become an office, a classroom and a playground. How can smart technology help us manage all that?

Configure a new smart routine for your home
When you work from home the boundaries between private life and work life fade way. Routines change. You're stuck at home almost every hour of the day now. This means that your set of smart routines needs to change to this 'new normal'. Your alarm system for example should not be on between 9 and 5, neither should the door be locked all day long. The heating will be on more and in different rooms than during weekends. You don't want to get cold in your office room.
Working at the kitchen table for weeks to come is not the best choice for your productivity and ergonomics. You'll need to create a dedicated home office to avoid all kinds of distractions. Also consider the light in that office room. It might be a good idea to close the shutters to protect your eyes against incoming sun on your computer screen or you can configure a custom lighting setting to help you focus.
Whether you're using a central smart home hub or a decentralized wired set-up, configuring a 'work from home' routine will pay off in the end.
You deserve a digital assistant
This is not a good time to test your productivity when working from home. It's though to even survive the day. So you deserve someone, or let's say something, that helps you keep track of all your to do's. A virtual assistant for example can set reminders, call clients and take notes.
Moreover, your smart assistant can be your hub that controls all other devices such as your thermostat or lights. With some simple voice commands your home adjust to your needs while you can focus on your deadlines.

Missing the office? Ask Alexa, Google or Siri to play some noisy office sounds for the optimal workplace experience. Or ask after your favorite music playlist on Spotify to swing from behind your desk. A smart sound system or speaker (Sonos to name one) is an ideal companion to keep track on your to do list.

Don't miss on your packages
While the stores are still closed or there are large cues, it's tempting to order some things online. You deserve a treat, don't you?
With a smart doorbell, you'll never miss a package from your favorite delivery man. Google's Nest Hello for example sends a message to your smartphone when someone is standing at your door and you can even choose a certain sound—footsteps for example—to play on your Google Home speaker when someone is approaching. DoorBird, Gira, August and Ring are other well-known brands that offer smart doorbells.
More about smart doorbells and intercoms?
Endless options to bring comfort
A smart home can bring you comfort in so many ways. Whether you want to recreate that typical office feeling or need some household help in these challenging times. What did you think of a robot vacuum cleaner that cleans your office at the end of every work day? Or do you miss your office's strong coffee? A smart coffee machine can make that perfect cup of coffee at 8 a.m to wake you up. And again at 3 p.m. if you really need it.
Remote work has become the new standard and for all we know this trend will continue, even after COVID-19. It's time to create a tidy and comfortable space for yourself where you can focus on your work. Some dedicated smart home routines can definitely help you out with that.